I want to start this off by saying for years before I ever looked into the negative affects of cellphone radiation and radiation of the things we use in our daily lives, I always knew they were harmful devices. I’d have days where I’d game all day with my cellphone next to me and obviously a TV beaming at me and after a while, sometimes I’d get light headaches. It was very obvious it was from all those devices around me. So I’d take breaks away from the TV, game and phone surrounding me and would feel better after a while. Years later when I find out 5G is a thing, I decided to do my own research. It’s been 1-2 months that I’ve been researching this and my research recently lead me to buy the “EMF 390”, a device that detects electromagnetic fields(EMF), electric fields(EF) and radio frequencies(RF). I bought this device because my research proved 5G is a danger to human health, to learn what I’m around to better protect my family from this danger and to show people that their opinions mean nothing to the truth. The truth will always be the truth no matter how you feel. The following is my personal research. Between my research from watching videos, reading, cross referencing what I've read/watched and now my own personally experienced research with this device, it’s more evident than ever that 5G is literally a bio weapon. Take this knowledge and arm yourself with whatever you need to lower your radiation intake. I decided to post this directly to my website rather than Facebook because I control the content on it which means it cannot be removed unless I decide to remove it. The first set of videos are of my personal research with the cell towers in my area. (Detroit, MI) Following the videos are screenshots of some of what I’ve researched that I wanted to point out specifically to anyone wanting to learn about 5G. If cell towers are non-ionizing as they say why at high levels do they burn skin? One second they say cell towers with high enough radiation can cause DNA damage(skin burns etc.) then the next they say they don’t cause DNA damage because they’re non-ionizing(weaker levels of radiation). Ironically, one of the ways human DNA is damaged is through lack of oxygen to the body. Lack of oxygen negatively affects your cells which damages your DNA. Anything that attacks your cells attacks your DNA because that is what your DNA lives through! If cell towers can cause damage to your DNA and cause headaches that means the radiation they emit suck oxygen out of the air. One of the causes of headaches is less oxygen to the body. Less oxygen in the air is why trees and animals have died around cell towers. Based on what I’ve lived, the research I’ve done and my own personal measuring of cell tower radiation emissions it is safe to say that cell towers are very obviously IONIZING radiation devices. If RF exposure levels at ground level are “low”, as they put, why am I picking up high levels in my videos that are declared dangerous not only at the site of the cell tower from ground level but also in my backyard at ground level? We are clearly being lied to. Source for the 2 pictures directly above:⤵️ https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-04-06-5g-alter-hemoglobin-coronavirus-patients-oxygen-deprivation.html Source listed below⤵️ https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/default.htm
https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/health.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/cellular-phone-towers.html https://www.healthline.com/health/emf#symptoms https://www.epa.sa.gov.au/environmental_info/radiation/understanding_radiation/powerlines https://www.fcc.gov/engineering-technology/electromagnetic-compatibility-division/radio-frequency-safety/faq/rf-safety#Q7
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